Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A paragraph about ''Morning Walk''

Walking in the street or field before the sunrising is called morning walk. It is a kind of physical exercise. But it is also a mental exercise because morning walk helps to refresh our mind. It is good for health. He who walks in morningn can posses a healthy body and physically he can be strong man. Diseases cannot venture to attack him. Everybody can get benefit frm morning walk. Morning walk is very essential for the children to build up their body and for the older it is very essential to keep their body fit. I myself take exercise by walking in the morning. Fresh air of the morning is very useful to us. After awaking from the sleep at dawn we should go to take such kind of exercise. Those who walk in the morning feel better than others. So we all should build up a habit of taking morning walk.

A paragraph about ''A Street Beggar''

The beggar who begs alms in the street is called a street beggar. He is seen sitting or standing every where in the street of towns and cities. His hair is unbrushed and without oil. He is seen torn clotes. His clotes are very dirty. Sometimes a street beggar is alone and sometimes in company. A street beggar may be disable, bodied, blind or lame. He has a bag hanging down of his shoulder. Sometimes he is seen reciting some sentences of the holy quran and asks for money in the name of Allah. A street beggar prays for the passersby who help him. If anyone refuses to give him anything, he silently leaves the place and goes to another. The life of a street beggar is full of sufferings and sorrows. His demand is too small. He is happy if he has a coin. We should shoe sympathy to them.